The sale goes to the 6th of January. These are the newest items and a video of the Bishops ring is on Hauntedcuriosities Facebook page.
A new group on tunnel2light is being made which I think a lot of people will like. I will let you know when that’s done.
Also this year we are doing Luck of the Epiphany. This occurs only on January 6th but you may order anytime. Costume pieces will be 37.78 and sterling pieces 127.78 no one is more powerful than the other it’s simply preference. We have gold too and those prices vary depending on the stone in them. The Luck of the Epiphany will last all year long and start’s January 6th. It ends the next year on January 6th. The piece you buy can be sent back and redone for 20.07 which does include your shipping.
We have a lot of new things coming that will greatly benefit a lot of you but will not be costly.
Also Tomer is available again for angelic transformations after Thanksgiving as he is booked until then. He is doing a bottle for someone right now and he can do those but you need to provide your birthday, month and day or month and year and what time zone you were born in. You have to email for them or I might just add more on. They take between two and three weeks to do.
Here are your new items!