A Perfect Community of Magic and Power
SKU: 3242132
3-24-21 We now take several forms of payment. You can pay with your credit card through PayPal. You can also send money via PayPal to kissmecrazie@gmail.com or ask for an invoice to be sent. We also take CashApp and Venmo. When using these forms of payment you will ask for an invoice and one will be sent. We also take Zelle, which is through your bank and your bank sets the limits. when paying through Zelle you will pay using the email kissmecrazie@gmail.com. We also take cash in an envelope, but you sent it at your own risk. We are not responsible for lost or stolen cash that is sent to us that we do not receive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This piece is a lodalite garden green quartz and sterling silver. Inside of this piece we have created a habitat where the spirits of many different types of entities coexist together peacefully. There are fairies to grant you white light magic, healing, and protection. There are star fairies to grant you the knowledge of the zodiac and the cosmos. There are leprechauns and knockers to bring you great wealth. There are elves to bring you ancient white light magical abilities. They live together in harmony and their magic is incredible. The piece acts like a greenhouse, because it traps their magic inside so that way when it isn't being used it grows in power. This is an incredible piece to have. You can summon forth any of the entities above at your own discretion. You can use their magic at your own free will. This is also a perfect companion piece because it will allow you to connect with each different type of entity on a personal basis.