Dimensions of the Dead
Dimensions of the Dead.
This set is absolutely gorgeous with its color changing light. When looking at it you can see its many sides which are cubes and the metal is rose gold colored. The earrings you can wear or give as a gift or the necklace if you prefer, it’s a set. You only need one or the other to use this for its intended purpose.
This allows you to connect beyond what the human eye can see. You can see and communicate with those who have passed on. You can be open for business to all who wish to speak and pass a message or to only who you want to. On the occasion if choosing to only speak to friends and family you will get a strange soul come through. If they happens it is respectful to listen to them and hear their request. If you can’t communicate the message to their loved one you tell them so and why. They will either tell you how to do it so you don’t seem insane or they will move on.
This medium from England and I were working together in Cassadega Florida years ago. It was an evening seance and then he and I did a one on one for someone. During that session one of my family members decided to come through. I said I didn’t want to do this now but he got mad. There was no reason for it because I couldn’t pass that message on. Sometimes this will happen to you to, don’t feel bad. The dead are nothing more than naked people. People with out skin. There is no personality change!
This isn’t just used for the dead to give you messages, I just wanted to cover that. You do get full communication with them. Full communication is not like what you see on TV, it’s much better than that. You see and hear in your head and also with your ears and eyes at the same time. You won’t be given roses and initials and made to guess what they are saying. They speak just like you and I. When you see these things on TV or a reader asking if they are getting hot or cold, it’s fake. End of story. If you have to even give them information, it’s fake. In fact I need to do a blog post on how to spot a fake medium or tarot card reader. I need to do an entire article on it!
This puts the power in your hands. You will have to work with it fir a little while. This is not because it’s weak but because the spirits learn to know who can and can’t see them.