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Coupons, prizes, videos and more.

Writer's picture: Dee DeeDee Dee

Denzel, prizes, shipping, coupon & new items!

New shows with Tomer will go on tonight. A bunch of reels went on the Facebook page and new items were added. So far Denzel has won a prize and multiple people can win. These will always be sent out on my shipping day. To win, comment and like or share or all three. That’s up to you. This can be on the shows or reels I post or any video.  More items will go on today after shipping which might have to wait until tomorrow only because Lindy has to run somewhere today. So shipping is either today or tomorrow.  The coupon will be on later today and the code is Light24 you type that in just as you see it. This will give you 15 percent off. Below are the new items added and there are also items in the eBay store as well. Have a great rest of your day!

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12 comentários

Hugh Jarse
09 de ago. de 2023

Also I heard a long time ago there was a vampire bible as well (I don't know if that truly is a thing) tho would really like a bit more clarity with that.

11 de ago. de 2023
Respondendo a

I think the, "Garden of Eden" existed within Middle Earth. It's the whole reason why the Zohar said "Man does not remember his past" & referred to 7 different worlds ( earth's). It could reference layers or literal quantum worlds.


Hugh Jarse
09 de ago. de 2023

Oh and also what his thoughts on the Vatican archives as well what role with that play on the upcoming times ahead


Hugh Jarse
09 de ago. de 2023

Want to know if Tomer has had other vampires like himself hav a change of heart or change of sides

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