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Eldridge incident

Writer's picture: Dee DeeDee Dee

The Eldridge Incident: A True Account of the Paranormal

Date: September 2021

*Location: Eldridge, Confidential Address

Investigators Present: Dee Dee, Ricky, Lindy, Victor, Raviniska

Report by: Victor


This document serves as an official account of the events that transpired on the night of October 31, 2024, at what we now refer to as the Eldridge Incident. What began as a routine investigation into paranormal activity turned into something far beyond our usual encounters.

The Setup

Our team was contacted by a man named Elias, claiming descent from a lineage tied to the antichrist, seeking immortality. Raviniska, with her ancient knowledge, agreed to perform a transformative ritual, despite the ominous signs. 

The Ritual

The ritual took place in Elias's ancestral home, a place steeped in dark history. As Raviniska began the incantations, the atmosphere thickened. Dee Dee, our medium, started showing signs of distress, her eyes rolling back, her voice deepening into something not her own

The Possession:

"I am Legion," Dee Dee spoke, her body contorting. This was no ordinary spirit; we were dealing with something ancient, something malevolent. Lindy, our empath, recoiled, feeling waves of anger and despair. My instruments recorded a drastic drop in temperature, and the EMF readings went off the charts.

The Vision:

Simultaneously, Raviniska, Lindy, and even Dee Dee, now under influence, described seeing dark clouds enveloping the room, fire licking at the edges of their vision. This was not just a vision; it felt like a warning or perhaps a premonition of what was to come.

The Transformation

Despite the chaos, Raviniska continued the ritual. Elias began to change, his skin glowing with an unholy light, his eyes turning a deep, endless black. He laughed, a sound that echoed with multiple voices, "Immortality is mine, but at what cost?"

The Battle:

The entity within Dee Dee grew violent, hurling objects with unseen force. Ricky tried to capture everything on camera while I attempted to reason with the spirit, using every protocol we knew. Raviniska, now in a trance-like state, chanted in an ancient tongue, her voice battling the cacophony of the entity.

The Climax:

A vortex of energy formed in the center of the room, pulling at our very souls. Raviniska, with a surge of power, managed to bind the entity temporarily, giving Dee Dee a moment of clarity. "Help me," she whispered, before collapsing. 

Elias, now seemingly immortal, stood transformed but with a look of terror, realizing the eternal damnation he might have embraced. The dark clouds in the visions converged into a figure, a shadow with eyes of fire, which then dissipated as quickly as it had appeared.


We managed to expel the spirit from Dee Dee with Raviniska's ancient rites, but the house felt forever changed, tainted. Elias disappeared that night, leaving behind a note: "Beware what you seek; some gifts are curses."


This account is not just a report but a warning. The pursuit of immortality, tied with such dark lineage, opened a door we barely managed to close. Dee Dee has recovered, but she was not the same for quite a while. Raviniska has since been more cautious, her visions of fire and clouds haunting her.

As for Elias, his whereabouts are unknown, but his story, intertwined with ours, serves as a grim reminder of the thin veil between our world and the darkness beyond. 

End of Report


Note: This document is classified. Any distribution or discussion outside the team is strictly prohibited.

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