HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! This is to all the ladies and the men who had to also step up and play both roles! Enjoy your day!
Tonight I will be adding some very interesting things both on the website first and then on EBay. The EBay user ID is 2piratesbringUtreasure the items being added to the website are one of a kind. You will never, ever see them anywhere else. I’m going to show you pictures now of two of them because my advertising only allows two pictures here. If you don’t get the item I can not do another of them. That is it and all I will ever have. Pl saw read the descriptions carefully. The items do not come from this planet. At least two of them in putting on don’t. I have one I’m giving free to someone so please don’t buy one for yourself. You know who you are. Yours is for a man.
That is all, please carry on in your celebrations!
Dee Dee

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