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The Triad of Magic: Red, White, and Black.

Writer's picture: Dee DeeDee Dee

The Triad of Magic: Red, White, and Black.

In the realms of fantasy and folklore, magic often comes categorized by colors, each representing different intentions, sources, and moral implications. Here, we'll delve into the mystique of red, white, and black magic, exploring why red magic, in particular, is often considered pivotal for the most potent spells.

White Magic: The Magic of Healing and Protection**

White magic is traditionally associated with healing, protection, and benevolence. Practitioners of white magic aim to bring about positive outcomes without harming others. It's the magic of light, often linked with purity, spiritual growth, and the betterment of life. Spells in this category might include healing incantations, protective barriers, or blessings. The energy here is about harmony, balance, and often involves calling upon higher powers or the natural elements in a respectful, symbiotic way.

Black Magic: The Forbidden Arts**

Black magic stands in stark contrast, often depicted as the use of supernatural powers for selfish, harmful, or malevolent purposes. This form of magic might involve curses, hexes, or spells meant to control or harm others. It's frequently portrayed as drawing power from darker forces or through means that might involve sacrifice or the bending of another's will. The ethical implications are murky at best, often crossing into territory that most magical communities in lore would shun or outright ban.

Red Magic: The Essence of Life and Power**

Now, let's talk about red magic, which isn't as commonly discussed in mainstream narratives but holds a unique and vital place.

Passion and Emotion: Red magic harnesses the raw energy of emotions, especially love, hate, desire, and anger. It's the magic of the heart, pulsating with life's vigor.

Vitality and Strength:Unlike the healing focus of white or the destructive intent of black, red magic deals with strength, vitality, and the life force itself. Spells involving red magic might enhance physical strength, boost courage, or stir intense emotions.

Connection to Blood:Often, red magic is linked to blood, not in the sense of harm but as the essence of life. Blood is life, and in many cultures, it's seen as the ultimate offering or binder in magical workings. This connection makes red magic spells incredibly powerful because they tap directly into the life force.

The Power in Balance: Here's where red magic becomes crucial for the most powerful spells. Magic, in many traditions, requires balance. White and black might represent the extremes, but red brings the intensity and life essence needed to actualize the most formidable magic. A spell that seeks to change fate, bring about significant change, or summon immense power might require:

  - The intent and purity of white magic,

  - The will to affect change from black magic,

  - And the life force, passion, and raw energy of red magic.

 Why Red Magic is Key in Powerful Spells.

Red magic's inclusion in spells isn't just about adding power; it's about grounding the spell in the reality of human experience. Emotions, life force, and the physical body (represented by red) act as anchors. They ensure that the spell isn't just a wish or a curse but a transformative force that resonates with the very essence of existence.

Emotional Resonance: The strongest spells resonate emotionally, making red magic's role essential in ensuring that a spell not only works but resonates on a deeply personal level.

Sustainability:White magic might heal, and black might destroy, but red ensures the change is sustained because it's tied to life's continuous cycle.

Ethical Complexity: Incorporating red magic often brings a spell into ethical grey areas, reflecting life's own complexities. It forces the caster to consider the implications of wielding such raw, vital energy.

While white and black magic often steal the spotlight in narratives, red magic is the unsung hero in the background, providing the pulse to the most formidable spells. It embodies the truth that magic, much like life, is not just good or evil but vibrantly complex, demanding respect for its power and understanding of its depth.

Why I use red/blood magic.  All people are dual, there is not one person alive who isn’t. This goes back to the original sin. It is just who we are no matter how much of a good person you are.

Blood is the essence of life. It flows through you and contains adrenaline among other things I can’t put here. You are electrical and that is power. When I cast a spell I feel I must use the red/blood magic to make it super powerful especially when doing a spell for someone else. You can count on those spells to work!

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Hugh Jarse
Oct 22, 2024

May the odds be ever in your favour to all reading this post


Hugh Jarse
Oct 21, 2024

Nice to know the different ways of magic workings DeeDee

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