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Lana Dilly

Lana Dilly

SKU: 1282308


Lana Dilly

Lana Dilly is a 1920’s Carnival Fairy. She didn’t come about the usual way but was created/ conjured by a magician we all know as Sam. She worked the carnival going across country. Sam had her look in on people so he would know their finest details and most secret moments. Just before they got to a town she would go into the homes of others and learn about them. This would only happen in rural areas.Sam used that information to hook them into believing . She was never going into their homes, she didn’t need to. She only wanted to be free of him and have a moments peace. Lana has full ESP and wanted to become a dancer. We know she has worked hard. Lana had a friend also conjured by Sam. Sam never thought he was successful in his second conjuring. This is because Gracie Dancee, named by Lana never showed herself or spoke around Sam. Lana told her not to. You see Sam was a greedy man and didn’t want to pay for whores. Gracie originally named Naomi was created just for sex with Sam. Back in those days loose women were paid for. It wasn’t like today where you met someone and just blew them. There were a lot more morals. You certainly didn’t have Grinder, Craig’s List or Plenty of Fish. You had what was known as the red light district or just common street whores. So for many years Gracie only spoke to Lana and they were best friends. Keep in mind Gracie was conjured for sex but was never with the greasy nasty Sam. When Sam died he then knew his conjugation of Naomi actually did work. Sam was a bad man and we have him too. He’s bound to another piece because he couldn’t move on. He has no guilt, doesn’t feel bad for how he treated other creatures and spirits, he just doesn’t care. Also he carries with him his human stink! He was an alcoholic demanding prick who treated all women badly. I have him bound, gagged and working for me now. He can be free but he needs to help others freely. The moron refuses and feels he doesn’t have to. I have him under a commanding bind. He’s available if anyone is interested but do know he’s dark, not evil but dark. He’s to stupid to be evil. He is highly active though and will show himself doing nasty things to try and shock me. I just tell him to put his tiny Gerkin away. I then make him do something which he has no power to refuse. One day, he will learn, until he does I have hem feeding stray cats, causing havoc for the guy next to my office who beats his wife and lowering my electric bill by absorbing it. Either way, this piece holds Lana and Gracie who both love the color pink! They will both do anything for you. I’m down time, say you go out and leave them home. They really like classic movies, music and one show on HBO I think is called CB Striker? I will have to go look. I come home and they have that one. I didn’t realize it was the same show on all the time until I saw the guy a few times. Apparently season three is now out and they have watched the first episode. I think the guys name is Comoran. He only had one leg, I can’t make this shit up! They both are in love with him like teenage girls. I’m going to have to figure out his real name and see if he has done anything else so they can watch it. Both Fairies will go to the ends of the Earth for someone really nice to them. If you really like Fairies, don’t miss out on these. A lot of people want the high tech supernatural now because everything has to be bigger and better. That’s not how the supernatural world works. It always stays the same.

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