Side by side soulmate’s
This piece is a necklace for anyone who needs a soulmate. You can wear it or carry it for 32 days. You may also place this one inside your pillow. You can also take it with you when you go out as long as that is done 32 times and you don’t have to do it all in a row. This makes it pretty easy to use. What do you get out of this? You will get the perfect person for you! If you ask me where they are coming from, I can’t tell you! I do know last year the square one I put on worked so well they didn’t want to wait to get married and they are still together happy as ever. Ryan found his soulmate in Brazil she came to work at his job after he was carrying his necklace. Now Ryan is a good looking guy but honestly he was out of his league but that’s who his soulmate was so together they still are as happy as they can be! She’s pretty cool and I know I like her cooking!