We are shipping today, tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday. After that we should be up to date. Yes, I know some of you need your Christmas presents still, one needs tarot cards that go with a book. LW needs her wealth piece. If you have a layaway, BEN, please se d me the link as any items bought while I was away or layaways paid off, Lindy is grabbing tomorrow. While at the Underground Auction I was face to face with the REAL Antichrist. Does he know he is the one? I don’t know but he had stuff in the auction. When I got home he was on TV saying he was going to invest billions into
America! The strange thing is I had a ring given to him as a baby and I sold it years ago and the age matches perfectly! So whoever has that!… Everyone will get a preview of some of the stuff I got very soon, today. But first I must take care of a lying bastard who said he didn’t get his stuff. This of course was after I said I didn’t have tracking. PLEASE! I ALWAYS have tracking. I learned years ago how some new buyers can be. I will not tolerate the theft! Now that person will end up paying starting pretty soon. There is no need to lie!
I hope those who got snow stayed warm as it was horrible coming back!
Dee Dee, It getting a bit confusing about what antichrist is which? First there was the Chronovisor, the the previous auction you went to had the snake with a humanoid head that required human sacrifices every so often & now you're saying MBS of Saudi Arabia is the Antichrist just because he offered to invest $600 Billion into America? Trump obnoxiously said he was planning to ask for $1 Trillion. Muslims aren't Antichrists as they consider Yeshua a prophet. No, but instead look at Talmudic Jews. They are the ones who pray that Yeshua/Jesus to burn in a pool of 💩in hell & believe any non-Jews aren't humans and are to be treated like Cattle 🐮🦬🐄🐂🐃❗The Torah said Jews are…
DeeDee is this the antichrist item listing you mean?
Anti-christ nostalgic lore read: https://www.hauntedcuriosities.com/collections/exclusives/products/satans-chessboard-and-the-dual-powered-anti-christ-ring-youtube
Also didn't the antichrist person wanted to defy his origins according to your listing?
Also I'm really confused with this antichrist listing and the one with the chronovisor YouTube videos you had peeking into the antichrist as well as both seem to have very wildly different origins or motives. Like one wants to deny their crooked birthright the other embraces it?
Also if Venusians - e.g Valiant Thor have the same belief/faith in Jesus & God did they go through their own version of the antichrist.
Also I wonder how Judas fits into the schemes of the antichrist as well considering he's like a progenitor sanguine…
May the odds be ever in your favour DeeDee
hi deedee i recently made a payment on the deep inside the hidden layway piece the rainbow maiden aliison piece is fully paid did you get my message to your text please let me know as my messages werent going through to your text message thanks