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Hello Everyone!

Writer's picture: Dee DeeDee Dee

Hello everyone new and old customers and friends!

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I have been back a while but the investigation was crazy!!!!! I will post about it later in the week. I have to get two long readings done and ship. Yes, I know I have questions from some of you.  I didn’t get the items I wanted on that most of you like because I’m sitting here with a truckload of high end cosmetics, perfume and face care! I need to pack them and make room. I had a service last night and it was complicated, not exactly complicated but needed more than expected so I must continue that tonight. On top of that I have family bugging me to go places with them and do things, it’s summer you know! I can’t wait for fall myself! I will be adding regular items on today and getting in touch with those who need the readings so I may schedule them or see how they want them.  The sale has been extended to the end of the month on the three sites and will also include eBay.  On eBay you must pay the price it says but then I will immediately refund the difference. You will also be refunded shipping if you are my regular customer. We will begin your ship on the 18th this way we are not double shipping and it keeps shipping free for you.  So I’m going to get these pieces on now so you can see them and then tonight I must continue with Anthony on a service. I hope you are all not suffering from the heat. If you want a good laugh go to YouTube and watch the Australian news. They do a section of libs meltdown. The people are actually crying that Trump wasn’t killed! It’s totally insane. I know I wouldn’t be laughing or screaming if Biden died. This shows me the insanity of the left! From changing a child’s gender to being mad Trumps not dead, unbelievable!

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5 commentaires

The Warden
The Warden
19 juil. 2024

Gumshoos is from gen VII. Gen VII pokemon came out in 2016 and many say that Gumshoos and Trump have a likeness.


18 juil. 2024

@Dee Dee So what service were you working on with Anthony?


17 juil. 2024

Good to hear from you. Sounds like things are crazy over there. Check your emails when you get a chance. The Trump assassination was depicted on an Illuminati game card. Oh sure some lefties are 🤪‼ Gavin Newsom just pushed a bill denying parents the right to know the gender of their own kids‼🙄 No wonder so many are Homeschooling their kids. Child sex trafficking is a Serious issue. Public Schools have no business questioning Kids Sexuality either! 😡 Oh the Aggrivation!


Hugh Jarse
15 juil. 2024

May the odds be ever in your favour DeeDee and fortune follows from whatever bold moves you make in your day to day interactions


Emi Ni
15 juil. 2024

So glad to hear from you Dee Dee! Life has been chaotic.. lol I can’t wait for fall too 😂

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