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Rare item, Shipping & coupon

These are the new items on EBay but they are rare!

The Patrick Flanagan piece is original and belonged to him. This is the only one he made and it was for himself, I have had this for years and began working with it again when I took it out of storage. This is like others he made to capture the energy of the pyramids and to allow it to hit your brain. The exception is this one allows you to connect completely with all alien types, good or bad but with total protection! I have been doing sessions with it and it’s amazing! There is not another like this. You can look on eBay or even so a google search. This is the rarest of the rare!  Here is the link. I will take offers from my customers but please look at what the others are going for that are no where near as good as this one before making an offer.

Shipping will be out tomorrow for everyone! Someone said they didn’t get the angel writer ring in the mail. I was mailing you a sterling pendant with wings. Please contact me so I can get your name and mailing address! The new coupon code for Tunnel, miracles and supernatural supermarket is April1 for 15 percent off until May 6th.

I hope you all had a great weekend!

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댓글 4개

Hugh Jarse
4월 13일

Would be nice interacting with chronosapiens


Hugh Jarse
4월 13일

I wonder what it would be like talking to the galactic federation of worlds

4월 14일
답글 상대:

I'd suggest contacting the Pleiades. Dee Dee had a piece listed for contacting them.


Hugh Jarse
4월 13일

I wonder what work-life balance is like for aliens and what is considered hobbies

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