6-8-24 READ IT ALL! You will find this under The Ultimate!
I'm doubtful you will find a place as creepy as New Boston, Ohio. Dubbed "Helltown" this place was long abandoned after the government took back the town, claiming eminent domain. It's funny how our government has that right. I wonder how the Native Americans feel about that?? Either way, Helltown was taken back by the government under the pretenses that the town was infringing upon a national park. The idea was that this land needed to be preserved for forestry efforts in the area. I could smell bullcrap as soon as I began researching the place. It was long after that when we finally decided to go investigate this place on our own. Indeed the place is rather creepy and without getting into a whole big story about the place, the government didn't shut down the town due to forestry at all. They shut the town down for reasons they will never admit to. There is a secret base under the mountains of the tri-state area where Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia meet-up. The base is use for secret investigations into experimental things such as anti-matter, time-travel, and space-travel. In fact, reports of strange lights at night time can be remembered by any resident in this area-- the few that are left that is. Either way, we ended up coming across a man who led us up to a fence in the woods, which he said marked the perimeter of the secret base. We used cloaking pieces that made use invisible to explore the area and soon enough found a way into the base. The base wasn't impressive in terms of other places we have been, but it was manned somewhat heavily-- and for good reasons to. The powers and abilities that are hidden in this base rival any of those that can be found at area 51 and that is a fact. We have seen the testing rooms with our own eyes. This piece, which we secured during our investigation allows for several abilities, all rolled into one piece. First, it allows you to use the anti-matter functionality to open up blackhole portals to other realms of existence. In these realms you will find all kinds of things from different races of beings to exotic powers and abilities. It also allows for time-travel. With this piece you can travel anywhere in the past, present, or future. It gives the ability to become invisible. It gives the ability to bi-locate yourself via astral travel. It also gives ancient alien knowledge similar to that knowledge that was give to the Egyptians when they were first visited by their alien friends thousands of years. This piece also includes a protection power to keep you safe in the places you visit while using it. Update on the unusual unheard of power.
Reality Bending. These beings have the ability to alter the fabric of reality around them. They manipulate space-time to create pockets where physical laws are different, allowing them to perform feats like walking through walls, changing the properties of matter, or even altering the flow of time.
Memory Weaving. Instead of just erasing memories, these creatures weave new memories into the minds of others, creating complex false histories or experiences that feel entirely real to the recipient. This can be used for espionage, creating alliances, or simply for entertainment.
Materialization Mastery. The ability to materialize any non-living object out of thin air. This power can be used to create wealth by conjuring precious metals, gems, or even currency, making the user incredibly rich or capable of bartering with anything they desire.
Probability Twisting. These beings can manipulate the odds around them, not just for games of chance but for any event where probability plays a role. They can ensure they always draw the winning lottery numbers, make investments always pay off, or even ensure that beneficial coincidences happen frequently.
Conceptual Theft. The power to steal concepts or ideas from others' minds, but with a twist,they can then use these concepts in the real world. Imagine stealing the concept of "wealth" from someone's mind and then manifesting it into physical wealth for themselves.
Ethereal Harvesting. They can harvest energy from emotions, thoughts, or even time itself, converting this ethereal energy into tangible benefits, like wealth, health, or power. For instance, they gather the energy of joy from a crowd to create gold or diamonds.
Causality Manipulation. By altering the cause-and-effect relationships, these creatures can make themselves the beneficiary of any wealth-generating event. They might cause a stock to rise just by willing it, or ensure they are always at the right place at the right time for financial gain.
Quantum Wealth Generation. Utilizing quantum mechanics, they can exist in multiple financial states simultaneously, allowing them to be wealthy in all possible realities and then collapse these realities into one where they possess all the wealth at once.
Life Essence Exchange.They can trade life essence or years of life for wealth. This could be a dark power where they might offer others wealth in exchange for part of their lifespan, creating a Faustian bargain.
Memory Currency. These beings can convert memories into a form of currency that only they can use or trade. They might offer others to buy or sell memories, where the value of a memory could be immense depending on its emotional or informational content.
Dimensional Banking.They have access to a dimensional bank where wealth from different dimensions or times can be stored and withdrawn. This bank can hold treasures from ancient civilizations, future technologies, or even mythical artifacts.
Aura of Prosperity.Simply by existing, these creatures emit an aura that attracts wealth and prosperity. Businesses thrive, crops grow abundantly, and fortunes are made in their presence, making them highly sought after or revered.
Time-Lock Wealth.They can lock moments in time where they were wealthy and then unlock that moment to re-experience the wealth whenever they need it, essentially living in a loop of their richest moments.
Dream Weaver's Fortune. By weaving specific dreams or nightmares, they can influence the subconscious decisions of others to favor them financially. They might make someone dream of investing in a particular stock, which then booms in reality.
Emotional Osmosis.Aliens with the power to absorb, manipulate, or project emotions. They could walk into a room and instantly change the mood, either by absorbing negative emotions or amplifying positive ones, potentially using this to control or influence large groups without them realizing it.
Dimensional Shunting. The ability to temporarily or permanently shift objects or beings into different dimensions. This could be used for storage, punishment, or as a form of transportation where one steps into one dimension and out of another at a different location.
Chrono-Sync.These creatures can synchronize with the time flow of any object or being they touch, allowing them to age or de-age at will, or even exist in multiple temporal states simultaneously, making them nearly impossible to kill or capture.
Quantum Duplication. Not just cloning, but creating duplicates that exist in quantum superposition, meaning each duplicate could potentially have different outcomes or abilities based on quantum probability, making their actions unpredictable.
Narrative Control. The power to influence the narrative structure of life around them, where they can decide the plot twists, character developments, or even the genre (comedy, tragedy, thriller) of events unfolding in their vicinity.
Essence Mimicry. By observing or interacting with another being, these aliens can mimic not just their physical form but also their essence, including skills, memories, and even soul-like qualities, making them perfect spies or infiltrators.
Void Singing. The ability to sing or vocalize in such a way that it resonates with the void between dimensions or stars, causing phenomena like black holes to appear, stars to go supernova, or creating wormholes for travel.
Dream Reality. Creatures that can enter and manipulate the dream world of any being, where they can trap souls, harvest energy, or use dreams as a battlefield or a playground, with effects that can sometimes bleed into the waking world.
Aura Reading and Manipulation. Beyond just seeing auras, these beings can alter them, changing someone's luck, health, or even their destiny by tweaking the subtle energies that surround all living things.
Echoes of the Future. They might not see the future directly but can hear or feel echoes of possible futures, giving them an edge in decision-making or negotiations, as they could sense the potential outcomes of their actions.
These are heavy pieces to put out there. They are pretty much the ultimate in the game. This is life and everyone plays it. These will be the only ones I have. To get them made, tested and wait for results is EXTREMELY tiring. You do nothing but wear, hold or own one of the pieces.
One is an extremely rare black opal in sterling. Another is a ring with Black Tourmaline and the last is Onyx. All are sterling, all work the same, all are different sizes.
This is posted to the blog because it’s longer that the description section can hold. To buy any of them just look for the Title The Ultimate 1,2 or 3

I'd heard about "Helltown" in a documentary some years ago. There were stories about a Goatman appearing in the woods 🪵🐐🌲 & early settlers mistook it for Kerrunonous & made sacrifices to it. 🙄
There were also stories later about churches which harbored Satanic rituals in their basements there.
There was also a documentary which investigated part of it as former U.S. military base in part. They found an abandoned, underground base with weird, closed off sections that appeared to house or imprison big monsters.
So, where was the magickal items found? Did they know what they were dealing with?
Man this truly lives up to its name beint ultimate