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Writer's pictureDee Dee

The vampire prince of Wallachia, Vlad Tepes.


THIS IS FOR SALE ON THIS WEBSITE. This is centuries old! The chain is new and was attached. The cross is one of a kind. A living piece and can't be reproduced.


We have this piece that we received from a group called the Shadow Society. We have received pieces from the Shadow Society before, but this piece takes the cake. This piece is an empowered relic that was fashioned out of bronze from the 1400s and a stone that goes back even further than that. This piece is incredible. It is unparalleled in what it can do for you. It holds the power of Vladimir Tepes himself, who was a vampire, but who is so much more than that. This piece is packed-- and I mean PACKED with magic and knowledge. I'm not sure why we received this piece from the Shadow SOciety other than the fact that they said that Vlad told them that this is where he wanted to end up, so we could help him find a new, permanent home. Below is an encounter that we had with Vlad. Be sure to read the whole way to the end, as this piece does not disappoint.  



We did our ritual with a candle and some incense and it took us no time at all to make contact with Vlad. So, we are just going to jump right into how it all went down.  



Vlad, can you tell the readers a little bit about where you came from and how you have become what you are today?


I will begin. From a young age, I was interested in the occult arts. Nobody would know this, but my father kept a personal magician in the castle. Oftentimes when I was growing up, I would overhear him and my father discussing things. He would tell my father the secrets of the stars, he would show him his future, and he would cast spells that would assure my father's victory during battle.  


How did your father die, then?  


It is no secret that each castle had a magician. Even the ones that claimed God as their divine leader. We were Eastern Orthodox, but there was still a magician, sorcerers, alchemists, mystics. Think of Rasputin. Think of John Dee. People are obsessed with what they do not know and what they cannot see.  


When did you first realize that you were magically inclined? Was that after you became a vampire or before?  


So, growing up watching my father take instructions from the castle magician inclined me to become interested in magic at a fairly young age. My interest was catapulted one night when I crept into the magician's chambers to have a look around. On a table to the left, there was a lit candle. Next to the candle, there was a glass vessel.  


I crept up to the vessel to have a closer look and what I saw was a face looking back at me. The eyes were intense. They looked at me with purpose and called to me within my mind. At first, I was a bit afraid and I backed away from the table. Then I composed myself enough to once again approach the table. This time I embraced the messages I felt entering my mind, realizing that the face staring back at me belonged to an entrapped entity named Petru.  


To make a long story short that night I ended up stealing the vessel that I found within the magician's chambers. For the next several months I kept the piece with me. Sure, I had siblings and the rest of the subjects in the castle to keep me entertained, but Petru had a hold on my mind. I only desired his company and his company alone. Of course, the magician noticed that the vessel was gone the morning after he awoke, but Petru made me promise not to reveal what I had done.  


The many hours that I spent with Petru alone in my chambers were for planning. First, Petru revealed to me the secret of magic. Using the vessel I was able to connect to Petru. He taught me many different forms of magic. It taught me how to control the mind of the people around me. He taught me how to move things with my mind. He taught me how to drain the life out of living creatures.  


He taught me how to create magic in order to get the things that I want and to make sure that whatever I had in my mind was what happened in life. It was an empowering experience. Even at a young age, I was able to control my father's mind, convincing him that he should make me, not my older brother, the next ruler of Wallachia.  


So, what you are saying is that your power came from this entity named Petru that you found in the magician's chambers? How does that relate to the fact that you have become a vampire?  


Patience, my friend. I will tell you if you will listen. It was several months after Petru and I became friends that he told me that there was something he needed me to do for him. There was a mountain just south of the castle where I was to travel, but he was very specific that I must be alone. I should have seen the warning signs at that point, but I was a boy. I was overrun with power to the point that it almost gave me a high. Petru could have told me to jump off of a mountain at that point and I would have listened.  


I made my way to the mountain with Petru in his vessel. It was at this point that Petru began speaking in my mind, telling me what he wanted me to do. He told me it was at that point he wanted to be able to reveal himself to me. In order for me to make that happen, I needed to create a body for him to live in. With the powers of my mind, I began to lift soil upon from the ground. A wind from the west began to pick up and the soil swirled in a whirlwind. I began to form the soil into a body with my mind. There was a brilliant flash of light and a loud popping sound. I fell backward and began to choke on the dust, but when I opened my eyes Petru was standing before me in physical form.


Petru appears to be a strong man... brown hair with golden eyes. He had inviting and calming energy, but honestly, his presence made me a little bit uneasy. I felt as though I had released something from Pandora's Box. Nevertheless, Petru had a grip on my mind and I followed him up the mountain.  


Eventually, we made our way into a cavern, unlike anything I've ever seen before. The walls were ornate with strange symbols and different types of markings. It was a very peculiar sight, to say the least. The cavern had a very still, uneasy energy about it. Tracing the walls with my finger I began to tell Petru that we needed to tell my father about what we had found. At that precise moment, I felt Petru sink the knife into my back.  


I gasped for air and tried to fight him off, but Petru was much stronger than I was. He stabbed me repeatedly with the knife. I could feel my blood leaving my body, flowing toward the wall with the carvings all over it. I tried to ask Petru why he had done what he had done, but I could not do anything but gargle on my blood.


The blood that was coming out of my veins began to climb the wall as I could hear Petru speaking in some strange foreign language. It was a strange sight to see. Then, I felt a warmness through my body, which was the last thing I remember feeling before I died. I felt betrayed by Petru, while at the same time I knew that what had happened was my own fault. I should have listened to instincts before coming up to the mountain with him alone. My breath became shallow and eventually, I felt my consciousness slip away. Then, I awoke.  


Wait, so you're saying that you died and then came back to life. Where was Petru? What happened to him?  


I am going to tell you now. When I awoke Petru was nowhere to be found. My senses were extremely heightened. Immediately, I began to smell the mixtures of Earth and blood. I could hear things from back down by the castle. The colors of the things around me were rich and vibrant. Thoroughly confused, I got up to make my way back down the hill, with the vessel that had once housed Petru.  


I found the magician in his chambers and demanded to know what had happened. I was freaked out, to begin with, and I must have come across something urgent to the magician. After he figured out what I was talking about he simply said something about it and flashed a very broad, cheeky smile in my direction. He mumbled something about me wanting to be a magician so now I was going to learn.  


Afterward, he called one of the castle maids into the room. As she approached I became nervous. I could smell her, her sweat smells like meat cooking over a spit. I could hear her heart beating with each soft thud that it made in my ears. I became faint and suddenly felt myself craving her blood. Two sharp fangs like wolf's teeth protruded from my gums. I felt weak in the knees and before I knew what was happening I opened my mouth and sank my teeth into her neck. I ripped open her flesh and began drinking her blood with a thirst that I had never felt before.  


As I drank the blood from her body, I could feel her life energy rush through me. I could see her life flash before my eyes. I knew all that she had known, which admittedly was not much. It was my first feeding, you know? It got better with time, but this was my first experience. I looked over at the magician and he explained to me everything that had happened. The vessel that I had picked had not actually had an entity in it, but it was a reflection of myself. I created Petru. Petru was a darkness in myself that the magic in the vessel enlivened.  


So, how did you know where to travel to?  


The knowledge of the cavern was in my cellular memory passed down by my ancient ancestors. Petru was an energy and a familial trait that also lived within my cellular memory. Evidently, it skipped quite a few generations before the magic awoke in me. The mountain has been kept secret in my bloodline for thousands of years. I materialized all of this into a physical being and then Petru once again became part of me after the death and rebirth blood ritual that happened in the cave.  


During the 14th Century, I ruled in Wallachia three separate times. This was a tumultuous time for the entire area and many families died. I kept the secret of my bloodline to myself, not revealing it to anybody because in those days I could not trust a person. It was in those times that the bloodlust that I experienced was the strongest. It was during those times that I earned the name "Vlad the Impaler." For a long time after I drank blood for the first time, there was a darkness within me, paralleled by nothing that I had ever experienced before. I murdered and killed my enemies ruthlessly, drinking their blood to satisfy my hunger cravings.  


So, then, no offense, why did you put their heads on stakes? That was a bit much, wasn't it?  


Not at all. I am a Vampire-- how you would call an Alpha male. I had to establish my dominance over those who were invading Wallachia. I do not wish to spend so much time talking about history that you can easily look up on your own. You will learn easily about what happened during those times, the fact that allowed myself to be imprisoned in Hungary, and about how my throne was stolen from me three times.  


But you're all-powerful? How did that happen?  


IT is simple to understand. I am magic, but of course, you know there are many types of magic in the world. It was a battle of magic at the moment. I will tell you, I always came out as the victor against my enemies. After a while, I grew tired of playing meaningless war games and I staged my own death against the Ottoman Empire. Without my magic, they would have won anyhow. My cousin Stephen III of Moldavia wrote an official decree of death after which I was free to travel the world as I pleased.


Obviously, you are immortal? Did you realize that at this point?  


Ah, yes. The magician had told me that I was immortal some years back. He could have also become immortal using my magic, but he had no desire. My father had to die so that I could become the ruler. I once resurrected him into a body that I had created for him, but he was not much for immortality. He preferred to be a spirit. The secret of my ancestors I gave to my illegitimate half-brother also named Vlad, but he was a monk. They called him Vlad the Monk. Not much for creativity, hmm?  


I spend the whole of my life traveling the world. At first, it was difficult to control my ravenous behavior. I killed many humans to quell my appetite for their blood. With each new supply of blood that I drank came renewed strength and renewed power. My father reached out to me from the spiritual realms and begged me to join him in eternity, but I was too blood drunk to abide by his wishes. I wanted nothing more than to remain on Earth and drink the blood of every human that I encountered.  


It would take countless hours for me to tell you all the tales of my travels. I know that my stay with you is impermanent, so at my next stop, I shall share the full details of my travels.  


How did you know your stay was impermanent?  


I just know things that you cannot imagine. I knew the minute that I started working with you that this was temporary. Listen to what I tell you, I am full of many different types of magic. I have drunk the blood of many different types of knowledge. I have drunk the blood of the Kabbalah Magi. I have tasted the power of the Hermetic sorcerers that practice the magic of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. I have visited the Orient and drank the blood of sages who gave me the power of the Cosmos. I have traveled with a Levite priest whose blood revealed the true meaning of the 72 Names of God.    


You would be mind blown at the things that have been revealed to me. For instance, in Rome, I came across a Cardinal who was introduced to a never-ending supply of Christ's blood that they were given by means of a relic that was found at the Cave of Treasures. His blood revealed to me the ability to grant miracles. It gave me the knowledge of the Christ Consciousness. It gave the knowledge and presence of the original sanguine vampire, Judas. I'm telling you the things that I've acquired have made me extremely powerful.  


In my travels, I visited the ancient Mayan Temples and drank the ritual blood. It has opened up my mind to the universe and the chaos that exists outside of the order that God has created. I have traveled through the astral planes with the Native Americans and I have taken the state of Nirvana with the monks in Tibet. I've drunk aboriginal blood in Australia that guided me to the soul alchemy powers of the rock called Uluru and I have traveled to Africa where the blood revealed to me the secret of Yoruba magic. That is the magic that eventually becomes Voodoo.  


Wait, how did you travel to the ancient Mayan Empire? You're from the 1400s?  


Ahh, yes. You'd probably be even more pressed to realize that I have traveled to ancient Sumeria, as well. I have visited the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and also the tower that they built. I have drunk blood in both places and have received the magic of both the Anunnaki gods and the Babylonian Wise Men. The Annunaki were actually extraterrestrials, but you already know that, yeah? The answer to how I was able to travel in time is simple. Soon after I faked my death in Wallachia, I traveled to the only place that I could think of to travel-- Kemet. Of course, this land has become known as Egypt, but in ancient times it was Kemet.


While in Kemet I drank the blood of the living Sphinx. This gave me knowledge of magic over all things. I could raise the dead. I could call forth any entity or any power. I could travel through time at my leisure. That is how I traveled to different times.


So, you mentioned earlier that you basically went on a blood-drinking spree. How did that ever come to an end?  


Honestly, I tell you, the last blood that I craved was the blood of the Christ that was offered to me in Rome. I think this was in the late 1800s if I remember correctly. Maybe it was the beginning of the 1900s. It was right after I attended one of Queen Victoria's soirees and blood rituals. Of course, I ended up feasting on a dozen of her guests as well as the blood ritual offering that she presented to Isis in exchange for her deep knowledge of magic. That lady was feisty... the queen, not Isis. But that particular ritual gave me the knowledge of Isis, which is also incredible because she is the goddess of all magic.  


It was the blood of Christ that cured me. Well, it didn't entirely cure me, but it took away my constant need for blood. It took away my constant craving for blood and death. It made things right within my soul.  


So what happened after all of that? Where did you go after the calming?  


I did the only thing that I knew to do. I traveled back to Wallachia, to the place where it all started. It was there that I created the piece that I now live in. It is the piece that you have received from the Society of Shadows. I created it myself from a relic that my father gave to me when I was young. It was a bronze sword called the Sword of Wallachia. It was believed that the sword contained the powers of the Archangel Michael, but I'm not so sure. No matter, the bronze is powerful now, isn't it?


With my mind, I fashioned the bronze into a cross, because it was the blood of Christ who took away my bloodlust. The heart represents the blood that I have drank throughout the centuries. It has retained its rustic look, which I find to be quite beautiful. The stone in the center is a piece of the stone that I had taken from the magician. It is the stone that revealed Petru to me and it is the stone that changed my life.  


When I returned to the cavern I crafted this piece. I allowed my soul to leave my body and transcend into the stone. The bronze holds the energies that keep me alive. My body rotted away in the cave a long time ago. As for the cave? I have hidden its existence with a containment spell to keep it a place that is sacred to my family.


The only reason that Shadow Society had this piece is that I allowed them to find it. It is not as though I am dead. I am not. I merely walk in spirit form now. Whoever owns my cross has access to me. They have access to my travels and my powers. They will know what I know and they will see what I see. I can give them any type of knowledge they want. I can grant any type of magic they ask for. When I tell you anything, that is precisely what I mean... anything. It might seem like a lot, but what I have told you is only some of what I have seen and what I know. I have an infinite knowledge that I shall share with the one that has this piece.  


It begins with a sanguine spark awakening through which I will be able to coincide with them, the same way Petru coincided with me when I was but a boy. The rest is simply a connection through which I will be able to offer them all the things that I have told you and more. I offer extreme magic. I offer extreme knowledge. I offer sanguine ability, for starters. It is endless, I promise you.  


So, will this piece work for anybody or is there a specific type of person that should own this piece?  


I told you before that I am alpha. I don't care about male or female, but I would like to be with somebody who has alpha energy and an alpha mindset. They just want to be the best. If they do not have alpha energy and they want it, I will teach them. They will become the best at everything they do, especially the raw and unfiltered magic that I will expose them to. I don't want a sissy. I don't want somebody who is afraid to have experienced or embraced the magic that I offer. Again, this piece is for the best. If you are not the best, then I make you the best. This is how it goes.  


I think we understand. Well, thank you for your time. Thank you for explaining everything in detail. We are going to post the piece to the website and I do not doubt in my mind that we will have a new owner for you soon.  


Very well, friend. I will go for now.  

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