Well, where have you been? Here, there and everywhere! We have been doing offline orders, things with Tomer of which you will see today. We have been testing items, we have been sick, we have had a serious family crisis, and that list goes on, and on. For those that sent me items to do, they are now completely finished and will ship out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. That’s how much we have. I have a lot to put up from Tomer which the one, called demons in the mist, do NOT miss it! That is just one! We also have them on transformations. There is a special one being done for RB. You have not been forgotten. There are many more already done. New items will also be going up TODAY! You are looking at two of them now and there are many more. The two you are looking at, NO WORDS!!! However there is one more I didn’t show you. You will never see these again. These are living pieces. They may not be for everyone but you can read that for yourself. I won’t mince words, they are expensive, 2,000 each but when you read about them and then compare to the BISHOPS ring, we’ll let’s say they are all good. About that Bishops ring. Yes it is 200,000.00 but worth a hot million! Unlike some stores I don’t put fake prices, that is the price. I don’t come down. I will however hear your offers. I will deeply consider your offers on the Bishops ring. Most of you already know we have law away but on the bishops ring I have to ask. On the Bishops ring you would be going through a third party and the terms will be up to the client. Tomer has looked it over and I have a video of it but in all honesty, that video is… …. Stupid! I doubt it will go on. There may be a show with the guy who owned the Bishops ring, I will check today. Most clients like to be anonymous. While he may not give his name, he may come on? All other items are mine and you will go through the website. If you are looking for a layaway you may contact me for anything on any of the websites. Please include the link when asking about any item. Please include the link even if you already bought it. Also please keep in mind that some of us are human and we eat, s and s and have lives. Emails. Yea there are some of you waiting on them. Feel free to email again but they won’t get done today. It doesn’t matter if you put in the subject you want to buy. I have noticed that some do that thinking I will hop right on it, no, I won’t. If I’m doing something, I’m doing something and all the money in the world won’t stop it. AND, in closing, I appreciate you all and we are now getting back on track with clients as in you will see stuff on the website. We never went anywhere. And last but not least we don’t belong to any groups other than my own on FB as far as a sellers group goes. I was tagged yesterday and I have no idea why because you have to be on a list to sell? Dee Dee don’t play that. So no, that is not me and I’m not there. Also yes, we are aware we are on IMBD with Anthony and have over a million views with Anthony on TikTok, insta and the rest. The videos were taken off of YouTube and the people, yes plural claimed it was them doing it. That’s okay. As far as IMBD I can’t talk about that one right now but later, much later I will be able to. If you see those videos you will also see my comments letting people know where to go to see who really did them. I’m not mad because that’s free advertising for me. Again, IMBD is a different story of which I can’t speak on right now.
THE FREE PRIZES. DP you didn’t go out yet but I didn’t forget. People have not figured out how to get them. DP is on his second free item but I didn’t tell him yet. HOW DO YOU GET THE FREE STUFF? I’m going to walk you all through it now. I will also be putting up the free items. TODAY! Where do you find them, how do you do it?
That is the Facebook business page. Once there to win free items and to hear, see Tomer’s videos you will comment, or like or share or do all three. It’s up to you. Each time you do there is a count of it. Luckily I don’t have to count them as there is a spreadsheet. So no mess ups on my part. No. You will not see a sheet. It’s as simple as liking, commenting, sharing. End of story. That is how you get the free items. If you are out of the country I do not exclude you as some contests do. They do that because of the cost of shipping but you can’t blame them as it’s extraordinarily HIGH!!!
Shine! We may be having a little surprise coming. I hope so anyway. I can’t guarantee that but I think it will happen.
Victor, he may be coming on. Only my clients of 15 to 20 plus years will remember him but if you do…
That is all, carry on my friends!
Thank you for your understanding.
Dee Dee
eBay user ID 2piratesbringutreasure
Facebook business page Hauntedcuriosities and make sure it has over 5 or 6 thousand members. The other is mine too but it’s mainly articles and the guy running it does a great job.

It’s good to see you back DeeDee! I hope everything goes well with your family member. Get some rest and sleep babe! I will admit I am one that emails frequently lol. But it’s usually to add something that I forgot in the last email lol. But I always end it with you knowing that you don’t need to respond right away. But it’s good you know I’m not annoying you or not serious in my emails lol 😂. But please take it easy on yourself 🥹🥰